The fiction we live in.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Bachelors' Night.

Just on the day before I leave Perth (for good), I came up with the 'brilliant' idea of hosting a dinner party - just for the guys. Sorry girls. We chilled at Malaysian Garden, and I must say the food portions were, erm, insufficient? Haha! But otherwise it was all good. The fellowship was awesome. Felt like it was just with my brothers. Brothers from Perth. Gonna miss all of you and thanks for showing up! :D
The Bachelors. (L-R, Chin Howe, TK, Josh, Derek, Jay, Me, Cheeky, Raymond, Junya, Tim Da Yong and Liong)
First Round. Now you see it... you don't!
We got hungry again, so here's round 2.
Fooling around when we saw this...
...A "No Standing Any Time" Sign. Weird.
We just DIG that sign!
No standing? Sue us then!
Answering Nature's Call.. Ahh~!

Thanks for the good times guys!

May we meet in the near future.

Brothers for life!

Over and out.
Ryan a.k.a predx


lamomok said...

I'm SO JEALOUS! I wish I was there as well! Damn! Ryan! What's your contact number in Singapore so I can contact you when I go there!

predx said...

lol.. my no. is +6590264943

chanraymond said...

LMAO. You jsut gave your number to the world. Haha. Good entry btw. I'm just so damn lazy. Wait la, hopefully by tonight :D