The fiction we live in.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Tasha is sick.

My dear Tasha.

Oh dear, Tasha is sick. Really sick. She's diagnosed with tick-fever and she's looking extremely pale. She's been fainting almost everyday now. Sometimes even three times a day. There was once when she was out cold for 5 min, and I thought she would never wake up again. She just went for her injection which is meant to rid her body of the bug. But damn, this injection has this chance of causing nerve damage or brain damage, and that's what I fear might happen. But this is the only way out, cause the doc said she'd slowly die in 3 months time if we skip the jab.

So here's a prayer to the Almighty.

Please heal Tasha. Make her strong. Keep her safe.



chanraymond said...

Hope she gets well soon..

evyBevy~ said...

Get well soon, Tasha!

predx said...

raymond: thx dude.. hope to see ya soon.. and hope she'll get better.

everlyn: hey! thanks too! lionel is here already.. and he's being very "nice".. haha..

evyBevy~ said...

Happy new year, ryan! Haha, he has been behaving so well here, guess its time he starts being 'himself' ;) Good luck, ryan! ;) ;) ;)

predx said...

haha.. happy new year to you too everlyn! haha.. he isn't at the moment! hahahhahaha.. kiddin!

take care everlyn.. good luck to you too!