The fiction we live in.

Friday, May 25, 2007



Last Saturday, Taurus 3 had another "crazy" night out, and suprisingly, we didn't get drunk. Instead, we smoked some shisha along Arab Street. As usual, I was the only one smoking illegally. Ordered apple and mango flavoured shishas, and they were pretty good for a first timer like me. Gotta try better ones next time...

Taurus Platoon 3!

Kelly, Izzat and Rizzwan going bonkers on shisha.

Me, Rizzwan & Izzat/Guardsman. I think i need a cap.. my hair sucks..

Back to camp...
3 more weeks to P.O.P!
Over & Out
Ryan a.k.a predx

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yo mate. how ure doing? - bra low