The Year 2006.
2006. What a year it has been. My wonderful experience studying in Perth will never be forgotten. After all the ups and downs in this roller coaster ride, I've seen and been through things that have changed me entirely. I view things in a different way now. Hopefully this change is for the better.
Love was taken from me. Stolen. Snatched. Lost. I've learnt to let go and move on. I thought it would have killed all that's left of me. It ripped me apart and sliced right through me. Like a hot knife through butter. But there was something that kept me going. My friends. I would sound selfish if I didn't say my family was involved, they have also guided me through. Even my wonderful friends back home made an impact. But it was my friends in Perth that pulled me up. I've mentioned many names, and there's no need for me to repeat it as they know who they are. This tragedy has made me stronger as a person. I hope. That's what many people say. But I really hope it has happened for a reason.
Besides this incident, I've had many, many happy times in Perth. As friends, we've gone through thick and thin and have pulled through till the end... together. It has definitely made us stronger as friends and this bond cannot be replaced. Same goes for the friends back home in Singapore. I can never forget all the good times we had.
Memories in Perth will be kept and treasured. Like the first time we met each other in orientation. It felt just like yesterday. I miss the times when we all came together for dinner parties and gatherings. The times when we had our countless badminton adventures. Our drinking parties. The many birthday celebrations and BBQ outings. Our break sessions in the recreation centre. The fun chit chat times in the library when we were supposed to be studying quietly. The awesome sleepovers and hanging out in the city. The high speed (and reckless) driving and drag racing. Everything is special to me, and I'm sure the same goes for everyone else.
Last of all, it's great to be back. I love my family, my friends and my life. To have you guys in my life is the best thing that has happened to me this year. Thank you everyone. May you have a blessed year ahead. Good luck and all the best!
Peace out.
Ryan a.k.a predx